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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. -- Aesop

It has occurred to me that I have not written a bog post in several months.  There have been a few times while doing dishes, making baby food, folding laundry, changing a diaper or rocking my sweet baby to sleep that I have thought, I should write something.  That quickly turns into an inner dialogue which includes questions like, what will I write about?  What should my topic be when I now have everything I ever wanted?  Should I write about Jase’s milestones?  Does anyone want to read about that?  Wow, my life literally revolved around our pursuit to become a family… that selfish????

I remember that about this time last year I had posted that I would be doing an Intentional Act of Kindness for every day of February to celebrate how others have blessed me along the way as I placed my focus on blessing others instead of wallowing in my self-pity as I turned another year older.  I have tried to continue that same plan this year (with the exception of the recent snow days) because I truly believe it was no coincidence that once I was able to take my focus off my grief and place it on finding ways to bless others, then we received the wonderful phone call letting us know we had been chosen by Leah.  Funny how those things tend to work out that way, huh?

So, it’s February again and I’m typing this while I listen to Jase squeal over pulling off his own sock.  I may not have had anything profound to say before now but I don’t think that’s a terrible thing.  For so long, we faced bad news and tragedy and while dealing with all of that, I knew that one day we would have our happiness; we would have our family to celebrate.  And that is just what I have been doing!  I have reveled in every first that Jase had experienced and have taken thousands of pictures, literally!  We have had our first Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We have held our breath while Jase sat up for the first time and just last night we stood silently as he got up on all fours not knowing we were watching him.  We tell everyone how he’s pulling up now and it won’t be long before he’s walking!  I have spent hours scouring Pinterest for the perfect first birthday theme (I finally found it this week and I’m STOKED!) and I have mastered the art of making baby food.  We have discovered that going out to eat is a challenge but not as much as trying to get Jase to sleep all night away from home.  We are not in any rush to get him to sleep in his own room and we are both a little sad at the prospect of him not being right beside us all night.  We have learned that if Jase doesn’t burp before he goes to bed, he will be awake 30 minutes after you lay him down.  We know that he likes prunes and beef stew and he does not like peas or wearing a hat!  He gets so excited when his Daddy comes home and he really prefers Mommy to rock him to sleep at night.  He is fascinated by watching the dogs play but not nearly as much as he is when watching the weatherman Brian Busby (it’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen!).  He likes to sit in front of the coffee table and bang on the front of it with a wooden spoon while squealing like a tiny baby rabbit.  He HATES to be on his belly, period!!  He thinks peek a boo is hilarious and the Donald Duck voice Daddy uses is scary.

I could go on and on but you get my point.  We are thrilled to have the chance to watch our son learn and grow.  We have waited so long for this and we are enjoying every second.  I’m not saying it’s been all smiles and laughter since the day he was born; let’s face it, he’s a baby and his only way of communicating is to cry.  For the most part, he is a happy baby and for that, we are so thankful!  I’ve had my “Mommy moments” when I’ve needed to have some time to myself, like every other mother I know.  But I have known no greater joy than waking up to the most beautiful smile in the world as my baby boy realizes I’m looking at him!  I honestly don’t know what I did all these years without him….sure, my house was cleaner and I was more rested but I wouldn’t trade this lack of sleep and toy cluttered house for anything on earth!

So, if you’re facing a crisis or a rough time, take heart in knowing you will reach the other side and when you get there, you will know you are stronger for whatever you have faced and you will appreciate the mundane, hum drum everyday routine that life can be.  In times of crisis, hold tight to your loved ones who want to help you get through this because when you feel like you can’t pray, they will.  God gives us wonderful people who have hearts filled with his love and want to hold our hands and cry with us as we face tough times.  It’s easy to shut those people out when we are hurting, don’t do it.  Let them bless you and one day, when you are past all this, you can return the favor with an intentional act of kindness from your healed heart.