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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rantings of a mad woman….

Many of you know how perturbed I get when I hear those overused clichés like “God only gives you what you can handle” or “You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it”.  Hollow words used when nothing more meaningful can be brought to mind often leave the receiver of such “encouragement” thinking one of two things…..If I were weak, would my life be easier?  Am I being punished because I am strong?  Oh, the downhill spiral those thoughts create. 

Let me be clear before I go any further.  I believe in God.  I believe He sent His son Jesus to this earth to live a perfect life and die on the cross as payment for the redemption of our sins.  I believe He was buried and raised from the dead 3 days later and has prepared a home in heaven for those who believe in Him.  I also believe that God truly desires for His children to prosper and have hope.  (Jeremiah 29:11 says just that.)  However, I do not believe that God causes tragic, painful, life-altering disasters to be set in our path with the intent of proving to the rest of the world how strong we are.  That seems so vindictive, spiteful.  What purpose would that serve for God to bring death, loss, heartache and misery to the very children He has promised hope and prosperity?  That sounds more like an evil tyrant in some fictional novel, ruling with an iron fist to force his subjects into a life of dependent submission.

Instead of God giving us what we can handle, I believe he helps us handle what we have been given.  If you have never experienced a tragedy, you may not be aware that there are people who have been put on this earth just to provide you with comfort and joy at the very time when you need it most.  If you have never been blessed by one of those people, you may not fully understand what I mean when I say that they were allowed to cross your path at just the right moment, when you were in need.  One of the things I have come to realize in the past 7 months is that no matter how long those people are in your life, the significance they bring is immeasurable.  For example, there is a lady in California who I will forever refer to as our guardian angel.  She was in our life for a brief moment but her influence and compassion will never be forgotten.  Another lady, whom I feel literally saved my life, lives right here in my home town and she provided me with the tools I needed to find my “new normal”.  I truly believe God put those ladies in our lives to help us handle what had been given to us.  I could tell you about so many people and exactly what they have done for us but I don’t feel like they did those things for public recognition.  I think they saw an opportunity to help someone they care about deal with a horrible situation and were grateful to do so, despite how ugly it may have been.  God helps us handle the things we are given by allowing people to be in our lives who are willing to be kind and gracious to someone in need.

I have come to understand that life is filled with adversity, for some more than others.  God so beautifully created us with a free will, an ability to make our own decisions.  I have read that when we are faced with a negative circumstance we can either let it define us or learn from it and grow.  I don’t want to be defined by what has happened to me.  Instead, I choose to be defined by the person I am, the choices I make, how I treat others and hopefully, by the legacy I will leave.  One of the little known mysteries about facing a storm in life is that when you are in the middle of it, in the throes of the gale force winds trying desperately to break your spirit, begging to take your soul, all you can think of is how did this happen and will I make it out alive?  While in the eye of the storm, you have no time to contemplate on what lesson can be gained because all you can do is survive, remember to keep breathing, try to stay alive and pray that you make it to the next moment.  After the storm has passed and you are finally able to breath, you look at the tattered reflection of the person whom you resemble and wonder often how you managed to come out alive.  Sure, there will always be moments when the memory of what happened sneaks up on you and rips your breath away with no warning but you realize that you are alive and you will go on with the understanding that you will NEVER be the same again.  Then one day you understand that there can be something learned from your storm, even if the lesson is just for you.  Did God cause my storm?  No, He so faithfully gave me the strength I needed to survive it by sending wonderful people my way.

So, as you can see, this post is titled “Ramblings of a Mad Woman” for a good reason…..I have wanted to share this for quite some time but just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  I have written it all in my head several times in the shower or just before I fell asleep, only to sit down at the computer and have nothing.  Tonight when I grabbed my laptop to browse the highly addictive Pinterest, I thought, tonight is the night, I shall write!  Hopefully, someone will read this and it will be at just the right moment needed to provide some encouragement.

By the time I get this posted, it will be February, my birthday month!  I have decided to try to focus on giving instead of falling into the pit of depression that comes with having another birthday and realizing I don’t have my own family.  I am going to practice an Intentional Act of Kindness for every day in the month of February, with 2 Acts of Kindness during my birthday week.  I really don’t think it is a coincidence that this will equal 35 Acts of Kindness for my 35th birthday!  I’m looking forward to blessing others as I am reminded that there have people sent my way who have blessed me.  Oh and I’m still accepting presents, that part has not changed at all!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Thanks for continuing to be a part of this journey with me…………

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