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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's update.....

The suppression scan went well today.  My ovaries are "quiet" which means the meds I've been taking are working.  Now we move onto the stimulation phase, which means I start injections tomorrow morning.  I will start a medication called lupron tomorrow, with injections twice daily, 12 hours apart.  Then Sunday night, I will start the 2 fertility drugs, along with a low dose hcg injection and the lupron.  This will mean I will have 1 injection in the morning and then 12 hours later, 3 injections of fertility hormones in the evening, along with the steroids and baby aspirin.
When we started this journey 2 years ago, I remember having all the medications spread out on the dining room table and being so overwhelmed that I cried!  I told Jon that it was a huge responsibility to have the potential life of our child resting in my hands, hoping I can keep all this straight.  Being ever supportive, he simply said, "Honey, you're a nurse.  You do this everyday.  You are definitely smart enough to get all this right."
I have ordered all the medication that I need to get through Tuesday, when I have my next appointment for labs.  After we get the results, they will let me know if I need to adjust any dosages, then I will order the rest of the meds.
I don't feel as overwhelmed this time as I have in the past, but maybe that's because I've done this before and know what to expect.  I also think a lot of my anxiety was related to never having given myself shots before and I'm kind of a professional at it by now!  So far, all of these injections will be in my abdomen, which hurts less than the ones in my hip.  They still hurt, just not as much.  And, I can give myself shots in my belly.  I'm not brave enough to try shots in my hip on my own!
So, here goes nothing!  Tomorrow we move to the next level and start preparing my body for making eggs!  I think it's funny that this is happening at Easter!!!!

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