I thought I would do a quick update to answer some of the questions a few of you have posed to us. First and foremost, let me start by saying that the past couple of weeks have been so completely overwhelming! I have gone from totally crazy, freaking out because we don't have anything to just sobbing tears of joy that we are finally going to have our family. We have both had "our moments" to freak out over this and, as those of you who know us well are already aware, we each react totally different to most situations and this is no exception! The one thing we have in common is that neither of us are sleeping well and we both seem to always have a stomach ache now.
So, back to the common questions part......yes, we will be going to California in July to be there when our baby is born. Nicole has specifically asked that we are there when the baby is born and she has also stated that she wants me to be the first person to hold the baby. She has said that she does not want to see or hold the baby but I am prepared for her to change her mind when that day comes.
We have no way of knowing how long we will have to stay in California because both Missouri and California have to agree to let us come home, according to some special law about interstate adoption. They have told us to be prepared for 2-3 days after discharge from the hospital but that it could be up to 2 weeks. That part is kinda scary for us both but I think it will give us the opportunity for all 3 of us to get to know one another without any interference. Plus, it was recommended to us by the social worker that the first couple of weeks be just the 3 of us anyway to promote bonding. if we're in California, we won't have to say to anyone, "Go away, we need alone time." :-D
Nicole has another child and her reason for giving this one up is simply that she is aware that she can not support another child and she would like to go back to school and be a role model for her son. I think that knowing one's limits is a very couragous thing and this gal knows that if she keeps this baby, they will stay in the system and neither of the kids will have anything.
We have been in touch with Nicole ever since the phone call when we met her. She usually sends me a text every day, sometimes just asking what we are doing. The other night she asked what we were doing and I replied, "feeding our cows." She asked to see a picture and you know how much I love taking pics of those crazy beasts, so I had one right handy to send her!!
She has also said, more than once that she loves us and is glad to have us in her life. I had a brief moment of doubt and panic the other night and told Jon that I just can't help thinking that she can change her mind and there's nothing I can do about it! Not having any control over this situation is driving me crazy!! But, as my Grandma told me, early Monday morning when I couldn't sleep, "Honey, you are just going to have to give this to the Lord. You can't live in fear for the next couple of months." So, I'm trusting that this is right and this is where we are supposed to be and trying to stay calm and not panic........
After the baby is born, Nicole will be able to surrender her parental rights once she is no longer under any influence of medications from delivery. At that point, we will have legal custody of the baby and the only thing we will wait on is the approval to come home. All of the legal stuff will be taken care of in California and we will not have to return for that. A lawyer will deal with all of that for us, thankfully. Once parental rights are surrendered, Nicole can't "change her mind". That window is closed. The adoption will become final and we will celebrate "Forever Day" about 9 months later. We will have obligations that both the state of Missouri and California will require us to complete in that time frame by meeting with a social worker.
I will also be able to take maternity leave, just like I was having a natural child. I'm pretty excited about this! And I think it's pretty great that I have a few friends with babies close to the same age, so they will all grow up together!! What a group that will be!!!!
I can't tell you how humbled we have been the past couple weeks. I always knew that people were praying for us and wanting this to happen, but I didn't realize how many until we got the news and made it public. So many people have congratulated us and offered to do things for us while we are out of town. We are blessed beyond measure to have this opportunity and to have such a wonderful support system of so many people who love and care for us!!!
I am SO EXCITED for you both !!! Praying the rest of your journey unfolds without a hitch...knowing you both have already met with multiple obstacles...you will be awesome parents..your new little one is SO BLESSED to have you as parents !!! (: