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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"God never hurries, there are no deadlines against which he must work. To know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves." -Tozer

Ok, so I stole the quote for the title of this post from my cousin Katie....but it is very fitting!!  I am having some serious anxiety here!!  I received an email from Cynthia, our adoption advisor yesterday saying that Nicole had an appointment yesterday where they did a test on the baby's lungs to see if he is ready for delivery and that she should find out on Friday at her appt when the c-section will be scheduled.  I had a brief panic attack at work because I quickly emailed her back and asked, "So, is it a possibility that she could go to her appt. Friday and they would say, 'You are having a c-section Monday.'?????"  She replied, "You aren't going to like my answer but yes, anything is possible at this point."
Well, she was right, I did not care for that!  My panic was the fact that I probably won't get any information until late Friday afternoon or evening due to the time difference.  If they decide Friday to schedule a section for Monday, that means we would have to purchase tickets to fly out to California on Sunday!!!!  To quote my niece, Emma, "WHAAAAATTT??!!" 
I called Jon and he said, "Well, we'll how are we going to buy plane tickets?"  For a brief second, I wished I was a kid and didn't have to be in charge of anything, that my Dad would take care of all of this and I would just skip to Cali with my already packed suitcase and enjoy myself.  But, alas, adulthood brings responsibility and having to be in charge of your own crap!  Now, I'm not saying I won't call him and say, "Daddy, HELP!!!" I'm just saying the realization of all of this is starting to set in and I feel like someone slipped some meth into my diet Dr. Pepper this morning because I am freaking out here!!!!!!
This morning I got a text from Nicole that I will paraphrase for you....."they stuck a big needle in my stomach to test the baby's lungs to see if he's ready to be born.  I will probably have this baby early.  IDK yet, will let you know Friday."  So, as you can imagine, if you know me at all, that only increased my anxiety. 
Last week I called the OB supervisor at the hospital where our baby will be born and spoke with her.  She was awesome!  She was so excited and willing to answer my questions right away.  I have called her again today and left a message so I can maybe have a couple of my questions answered.  Most OB doctors schedule sections prior to the due date and some have a certain day of the week they plan those scheduled deliveries.  I'm hoping she can she some light on the situation for us and maybe help calm me down a bit.  Apparently, this baby is coming and had darn well better get my stuff together and be prepared, ready or not!!!
On a happier note, I have his bag packed and all ready to throw in the suitcase when we leave.  We have a travel system, the car seat, two bases and stroller all taken care of, thanks to a couple friends at work!!  I am going to go clean out Baby JP's room as soon as I finish this post so that can be checked off our list.  We aren't going to purchase anything else until we have custody of the baby with a plan to come home, out of respect for the situation.  Again, I am not in control here......
I know I have said this several times but I don't think I can say it enough.....thank you so much for all of your prayers, support and kind words.  This has been such a long journey for us and we can not tell you how much we appreciate the love and support from our friends and family!!  We have leaned on you, cried on your shoulders and bent your ears for quite some time as we make our way to building our family.  We can't wait for you to meet Baby JP and share in the joy with us!!!

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