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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A new perspective....

I received an email today that gave me a new perspective on our journey.  I have spent so much time wanting to be a Mommy and have a child that when we chose to pursue adoption, I felt like this baby, our baby would be the biggest blessing in our lives.  And that was it.  I almost feel like I have been selfish in thinking how our baby would make us so happy and complete our lives.  I had never looked at it from any other point of view until today, when I read the following portion of the email I received from our adoption consultant:

"So a lot of busy work in the beginning and now it is a matter of sitting back, waiting, hoping and praying for your birthmother to come along.

 Again, I really enjoyed your websites.  You are an amazing couple and I respect you tremendously for the commitment you have both taken part in, and that is the journey of saving a child and building your family through adoption.  I am honored to be with you on this journey."

Until now, I had only thought of how this baby would save us, from heartache and emptiness.  I hadn't even begin to think about the loneliness, heartache and sorrow we could be saving this baby from!  I am so humbled, even before we have been chosen, by the idea that somewhere out there is a young woman who is so mature and selfless that she is able to say, "I can't do this.  I can't raise this baby the way I want to.  But I think you can and I trust you to do this well."
If you are a parent, you may say to yourself, "I have no idea how someone could give up their baby!"  Consider this, our birthmother loves our baby so much, she is willing to give him or her to us and allow them to have the opportunities she would never be able to give them.  What an amazing and precious gift!!  We are all going to be given the unique chance to "save each other"!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Addresses for our web pages....

We have looked over our web pages and are so pleased!  I have the links to the pages below, if you would like to see what they have done for us.  Once you go to the web pages, the best way to find us is to search by region and just look for us!!  We know for a fact that our web site on Adoption Network has been viewed 21 times this month!!  That is so exciting!!!!
So, if you have a few minutes, take a peek and let us know what you think!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Web pages are up!!!

I got an email yesterday that our web pages are up and running!  We are live on 4 websites that are marketed to birth mothers for chosing adoptive families.  I have decided not to post the links to those websites on this post because Jon hasn't had a chance to see them yet and I'd like for him to see them before people who read my blog.  No offense, but I think it's kind of important for him to have a first peek!
I am so excited that these are finally up and available.  On one of the websites, we have the capability to track how many people have viewed the site.  As of this morning, that particular site had been viewed 5 times already today!!  That is so wonderful!!!  Of course, we have no way of knowing if the viewers are actually birth moms but at least we know there is someone out there looking at us already!!!
So, now we just wait..........if you know me, I'm not a good waiter!  I'm trying real hard to stay patient and positive as we wait for our baby!
Thanks for thinking of us as we make our way through this together and thanks for following along with us.